IGNOU MPC-01 Study Material

IGNOU MPC-01 Study Materials/Books – If you come to this page for download each course of MPC-01 Study Material so you are come at right place. Here you will get everything for which you have come to here. We have downloaded all available Study Materials of MPC-01 to our System and it is ready and available for all MPC-01 Students.

We provide all study materials to IGNOU MAPC student with free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need.

List of Available MPC-01 Study Materials:

MPC-01 Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Memory
Block-01 Information Processing
Block-02 Intelligence and Creativity
Block-03 Language
Block-04 Problem Solving

Is it required to download MPC-01 Materials?

For attend IGNOU MPC-01 TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your MPC-01 Assignments with using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use it for preparation of Examination and you can get good marks in your MAPC Programme Annual Exams with good grade.

41 thoughts on “IGNOU MPC-01 Study Material”

  1. Hello. I have applied for MA Psychology in the month of July and i received the ID card through student portal. I have paid extra for study material hard copy and i havent received it till date. I tried to contact the center i have chosen and IGNOU unfortunately no one replied. So if anyone knows rest procedures kindly reply asap.

    1. I took admission in Jan 2024 and received books in July mid. You will get it in few months by post.
      What I have learned from my experience is,
      1. Start making your own notes from youtube/chatgbt or online material at ignou site, as during exams, you wont be able to read the entire course book.
      2. Review last few years question papers and write down answers for those

      When I received my books, I had to start writing assignments which took a lot of time for me(I am working)
      So, I was left with hardly a months’ time to study for exams, in which the hard copies you receive will be too vast to cover.
      What helped me is that initially I strated studying from soft copies and hence could grasp concepts faster in few subjects.

    2. Either contact to regional centre if you are from Delhi then visit maidan garhi.

      they will provide you or you have to wait for December end study material will be delivered to your address.

      for better explanation I would recommend you.
      you should visit regional center once.

  2. HI, I got my admission confirmed for MAPC two weeks ago but cant find the online study material for 2023 Please let me know who to contact for that.

  3. I’m jan 2022 MAPC batch but the study mtrl has not been dispatched yet. Request the material be dispatched so that self study and assignments can be prepared.

  4. in the ID card should have mentioned the batch …and academic year ……suggestable correction ………..
    what would be the reason many of the students never got the books though they paid …..so please issue the books as early….and regarding assigenment not cleared….

  5. Hello,
    I am student of MA psychology – 2021. I have not received any material so far. if anyone is interested can we also have study group to clear our doubts etc. also to help each other with the course.


    1. Hey Megha this is a good idea. Any group formed yet? I would like to be onboard. I have applied on 25.10.2021 for July 2021 batch, still waiting for confirmation and study materials, but i agree that we shouldn’t delay the study process any further. Any info on any study groups will be appreciated!

      Thanks a bunch!

    2. Hi
      I have also joined the mapc course , still I have not got any notification regarding dispatch of books. If you get any Information kindly let us know.

  6. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I also need the study material to complete the assignment and also to start up my studies side by side.

  7. Dear sir/madam,
    I want the study material for MA psychology only for the first semester and i have registered in March 2021.
    I need it urgently. Please oblige.

  8. Hi… I have registered MA Psychology..So far I have not received study material so far. In Ignouhelp.in no study material available. Kindly guide from where we can download I year study material.

  9. Hi, I have registered for Mapc course. Can somebody please guide me with some information about from which site I can download the latest study material. Many thanks in advance.

  10. I have registered for Dec 2020 MAPC . Still now no updates on dispatch of books.Please help to provide the point of contact who can help with the books.

  11. respected madam/sir
    I have joined in MAPC ..till now I haven’t receive book or any updates regarding book .kindly help !

  12. Sir/Ma’am,
    I have joined in MAPC 2019.
    When i will receive study material and I paid for hard copy. Kindly help on this.

  13. Sir,
    I have joined in Jan 2019, MAPC, no study materials so far. I’ve opted for hard copy material and paid for it.
    Please help

  14. Sir I take admission in jan 2019 in MAPC, but I don’t get any study material so I am worried about it.please tell me the solution about it.i am also in government service.please tell me the solution.

    1. I sudipta, I also take my admission in same batch… Did u attend the induction meeting?

    2. hi
      are you guys also facing the same issue. the IGNOU people arent responding to any of the enquiry and Was there an induction meeting ????? how to track their ingoing activities .
      what about the study material? are these books enough for the first year of Psychology.

    3. Is your admission confirmed? If yes, then maybe you should enquire at the study centre for study materials.
      Even I want to know the further process, my admission got confirmed on 27/8/2021

    4. Didn’t get the offline study materials yet and I’m not sure if these online materials are enough or if they are updated, and my assignment submission is in March 2022.

  15. Sir, I have taken admission in MAPC Jan 2019 session, but till now not received my study material. Pl inform us the timeline for it .Regards.

  16. Sir i do not attend induction meeting for some reason in Murlidhar girl’s college(kolkata) . Now i can not know how and when my class will started . Please tell me what should i do ?

    1. Yes Juhi, it is as there is no update till now so it is. And I know this is not complete material for Masters so we need some other material as well so I have also started to refer others books as well. If you need I can provide you as well.

    2. Will you please provide me books if you can because i also want to start my studies but still my books study material status is showing me under dispatch…

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