IGNOU TS-06 Study Material

IGNOU TS-06 Study Materials & Books – IGNOU TS-06 Books are now uploaded and available for download online to get started your study. If you came on this page to download each collection of TS-06 Study Material then you are at the right place. We have listed all available study materials for TS-06 and it is now ready and available for all TS-06 Students to download.

It is noted that the IGNOU TS-06 Study Materials can be downloaded online free of cost and will be available for all students even if they didn't registered for IGNOU BTS program.

IGNOU BTS Study Material Download Here
Category IGNOU Study Material

List of IGNOU TS-06 Study Material

TS-06 Tourism Marketing
Block-1 Understand Tourism Market Download
Block-2 Market Analysis Download
Block-3 Developmental Role of Marketing Download
Block-4 Marketing Mix Download
Block-5 Marketing Mix : Specific Situations Download
Block-6 Destination Marketing Download
Block-7 Accommodation Marketing Download
Block-8 Transport and Travel Services Marketing Download

Benefits of Downloading IGNOU TS-06 Online Books

To attend the IGNOU TS-06 Term end Examination, it is necessary to first submit your IGNOU TS-06 Solved Assignment and that can be possible with the help of available online Books and Material. Apart from the Assignments, You can use this material for the preparation of the term end examination to get good marks in the IGNOU BTS Exam with good grades.

8 thoughts on “IGNOU TS-06 Study Material”

  1. Do you know if TS 06 subject is available for reevaluation and whom to contact. In a very urgent need . Exam was subjective theory based on 8th Feb 2021 and it went very well but result was not good. Please contact me as soon as possible.

  2. Sir I m bts student of first year, but I cannot receive my study material books, so can u tell me when I receive my books

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