IGNOU Courses List 2024 – Indira Gandhi National Open University offers more than 300 courses through an open distance learning method and about 44 courses through an online method. IGNOU offers various courses under Bachelor, Master, Diploma, and Certificate level. IGNOU Courses are not just offered across Pan India but are also offered through the selected overseas countries. The university provides online as well as distance education to all candidates however the university is more focused on distance courses at the moment.
There are lakhs of candidates now enrolling in IGNOU every year and getting awarded various degree certificates at IGNOU Convocation. Gradually, candidates are now joining IGNOU to complete the various degree and certificate courses via distance education. There are a number of courses offered by the university to which a student can take admission to IGNOU after completion of 10+2 or its equivalent. Furthermore, the university also offers many courses after graduation so students can explore the list of offered courses to choose the best course for their further study..
IGNOU Courses List 2024
IGNOU offers courses in various fields and disciplines so that students can easily take admitted to the university and can complete their studies through distance learning successfully. Now, more and more candidates are getting their admission done in their interesting course of IGNOU to complete their studies with distance education. IGNOU has an objective to teach every student for their interesting subjects and courses. IGNOU constantly working on expanding the list of courses so that students can take admission and complete their studies in the interesting field in which they want to make their careers.
Candidates have a choice to get Admission to IGNOU in the January or July session for any of the interested programs. All candidates have the option to apply online if they don’t want to visit the IGNOU centre. We also recommend exploring IGNOU Prospectus in which you will get to know the latest academic programs offered by IGNOU University with their course structure.
IGNOU has already covered the majority of courses in the list to provide maximum opportunities to all candidates. Candidates can find brief details of each course like eligibility, selection process, IGNOU fee structure, and more things. Therefore, Candidates have to just click and start exploring our latest courses list to find out the best program for their further studies.
IGNOU Bachelor Degree Courses List 2024
IGNOU Bachelor’s Degree is the next step after completion of the Higher Secondary Examination or HSC from your state board or CBSE. As per the latest trends, the majority of students want to get admission to Bachelor’s Degree to continue their further studies after completion of higher secondary education. Bachelor’s Degree is a major and required degree certification to earn a Post Graduate Degree or Master’s Degree in the future.
Bachelor’s Degree is an Undergraduate level degree course in which its minimum duration is 3 years while its maximum duration is 6 years. There are two levels of bachelor’s degree available in IGNOU; honours (Major in IGNOU) and non-honours. For an honors degree, Candidates can specialize in a particular discipline (i.e. Hindi) while in the non-honours degree, candidates have to study selected courses from each discipline. Generally, 12th standard and 10th with a Diploma are considered for admission to a bachelor’s degree program.
Course Code | Name of the Course | Fee Structure |
BAAHD | Bachelor of Arts in Applied Hindi | INR 4,800 per annum |
BAASK | Bachelor of Arts in Applied Sanskrit | INR 4,800 per annum |
BAAUD | Bachelor of Arts in Applied Urdu | INR 4,800 per annum |
BAECH | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Economics | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAEGH | Bachelor of Arts English (Honours) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFEC | Bachelor of Arts (Economics) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFEG | Bachelor of Arts (English) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFFSM | Bachelor of Arts (Facilities and Services Management) | INR 10,500 per annum |
BAFHD | Bachelor of Arts (Hindi) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFHI | Bachelor of Arts (History) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFJDM | Bachelor of Arts (Journalism and Digital Media) | INR 10,600 per annum |
BAFPA | Bachelor of Arts (Public Administration) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFPC | Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) | INR 5,500 per annum |
BAFPS | Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFPY | Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFSK | Bachelor of Arts (Sanskrit) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFSO | Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAFUD | Bachelor of Arts (Urdu) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAGS | Bachelor of Arts (Gender Studies) | INR 4,000 per annum |
BAHDH | Bachelor of Arts Hindi (Honours) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAHIH | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) History | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAM | Bachelor of Arts | INR 4,500 per annum |
BAPAH | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Public Administration | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAPCH | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Psychology | INR 5,500 + INR 600 Practical Fee per annum |
BAPFHMH | Bachelor of Performing Arts – Hindustani Music (Honours) | INR 9,200 per annum |
BAPSH | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Political Science | INR 5,000 per annum |
BASKH | Bachelor of Arts Sanskrit (Honours) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BASOH | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sociology | INR 5,000 per annum |
BATS | Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAUDH | Bachelor of Arts Urdu(Honours) | INR 5,000 per annum |
BAVMSME | Bachelor of Arts (Vocational Studies) Micro Small and Medium Enterprises | INR 5,100 per annum |
BAVTM | Bachelor of Arts (Vocational Studies) Tourism Management | INR 5,000 per annum |
BBA | Bachelor of Business Administration | INR 10,000 per annum |
BBARIL | Bachelor of Business Administration | INR 10,500 per annum |
BBASM | Bachelor of Business Administration (Services Management) | INR 20,000 per annum |
BCA | Bachelor of Computer Applications | INR 8,000 per semester |
BCOMF | Bachelor of Commerce | INR 4,500 per annum |
BFSW | Bachelor of Social Work | INR 6,300 per annum |
BLIS | Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences | INR 8,700 Total |
BSCAEY | Bachelor of Science (Applied Science – Energy) | INR 7,200 per annum |
BSCANH | Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Anthropology) | INR 6,300 per annum |
BSCBCH | Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biochemistry) | INR 14,500 per annum |
BSCFAN | Bachelor of Science (Anthropology) | INR 6,300 per annum |
BSCFBC | Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry) | INR 14,500 per annum |
BSCM | Bachelor of Science | INR 6,000 per annum |
IGNOU Master Degree Courses List 2024
IGNOU Master’s Degree is a post-graduation level program and its minimum duration is 2 years while its maximum duration is 4 years so candidates have to complete their degree in the given time duration.
Let’s talk about its eligibility then the common eligibility of a Master’s Degree program is a Bachelor’s Degree program from a recognized institution. The eligibility criteria will vary in each course so candidates have to check their interested program’s eligibility criteria before applying for any of the course from IGNOU.
Course Code | Name of the Course | Fee Structure |
MAAE | Master of Arts (Adult Education) | INR 8,000 per annum |
MAAN | Master of Arts (Anthropology) | INR 9,300 per annum |
MAARB | Master of Arts in (Arabic) | INR 5,900 per annum |
MAAUD | Master of Arts (Applied Urdu) | INR 7,000 per annum |
MACSR | Master of Arts (Corporate Social Responsibility) | INR 7,700 per annum |
MADE | Master of Arts (Distance Education) | INR 6,500 per annum |
MADJ | Master of Arts (Development Journalism) | INR 10,000 per annum |
MADP | Master of Arts (Drawing and Painting) | INR 8,500 per annum |
MADVS | Master of Arts (Development Studies) | INR 6,500 per annum |
MAEC | Master of Arts (Economics) | INR 9,200 per annum |
MAEDU | Master of Arts (Education) | INR 9,700 per annum |
MAEOH | Master of Arts (Environmental and Occupational Health) | INR 7,700 per annum |
MAER | Master of Arts (Entrepreneurship) | INR 7,500 per annum |
MAEVS | Master of Arts (Environmental Studies) | INR 6,000 per annum |
MAFCS | Master of Arts (Folklore and Culture Studies) | INR 5,800 per annum |
MAFL | Master of Arts in (French) | INR 6,500 per annum |
MAGD | Master of Arts (Gender and Development Studies) | INR 6,200 per annum |
MAHI | Master of Arts (History) | INR 7,700 per annum |
MAHN | Master of Arts in Hindu Studies | INR 7,000 per annum |
MAHV | Master of Arts in (Hindi Vyavsayik Lekhan) | INR 7,000 per annum |
MAJDM | Master of Arts (Journalism and Digital Media) | INR 10,000 per annum |
MAJEM | Master of Arts (Journalism and Electronic Media) | INR 12,500 per annum |
MAJMC | Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) | INR 13,200 per annum (English & Hindi) & INR 6,000 per annum (Tamil) |
MAJMC | Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) Tamil | INR 6,000 per annum |
MAJY | Master of Arts (Jyotish) | INR 6,100 per annum |
MAMIDI | Master of Arts in Migration and Diaspora | INR 6,000 per annum |
MAPC | Master of Arts (Psychology) | INR 10,000 per annum |
MAPFHS | Master of Arts (Population and Family Health Studies) | INR 6,000 per annum |
MAPY | Master of Arts (Philosophy) | INR 7,500 per annum |
MARD | Master of Arts (Rural Development) | INR 7,000 per annum |
MARUS | Master of Arts in (Russian) | INR 5,900 per annum |
MASL | Master of Arts in (Spanish) | INR 10,700 per annum |
MASS | Master of Arts (Sustainability Science) | INR 7,200 per annum |
MATS | Master of Arts (Translation Studies) | INR 6,200 per annum |
MAUD | Master of Arts Urdu | INR 6,100 per annum |
MAUS | Master of Arts (Urban Studies) | INR 7,400 per annum |
MAVS | Master of Arts in Vedic Studies | INR 6,800 per annum |
MAWGSR | Master of Arts (Women and Gender Studies) | INR 7,400 per annum |
MBA | Master of Business Administration | INR 15,500 for 1st, 2nd, 4th semester and INR 17,500 for 3rd semester |
MBAFM | Master of Business Administration – Financial Management | INR 15,500 for 1st, 2nd, 4th semester and INR 17,500 for 3rd semester |
MBAHM | Master of Business Administration – Human Resource Management | INR 15,500 for 1st, 2nd, 4th semester and INR 17,500 for 3rd semester |
MBAMM | Master of Business Administration – Marketing Management | INR 15,500 for 1st, 2nd, 4th semester and INR 17,500 for 3rd semester |
MBAOM | Master of Business Administration – Operations Management | INR 15,500 for 1st, 2nd, 4th semester and INR 17,500 for 3rd semester |
MBF | Master of Business Administration (Banking and Finance) | INR 15,500 for 1st, 2nd, 4th semester and INR 17,500 for 3rd semester |
MCA | Master of Computer Applications | INR 12,700 per semester |
MCom | Master of Commerce | INR 9,700 per annum |
MEG | Master of Arts (English) | INR 7,700 per annum |
MGPS | Master of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies) | INR 6,200 per annum |
MHD | Master of Arts (Hindi) | INR 7,700 per annum |
MLIS | Master of Library and Information Sciences | INR 11,500 Total |
MPA | Master of Arts (Public Administration) | INR 7,700 per annum |
MPS | Master of Arts (Political Science) | INR 7,700 per annum |
MSCANCHEM | Master of Science (Analytical Chemistry) | INR 23,300 per annum |
MSCAST | Master of Science (Applied Statistics) | INR 7,700 per semester |
MSCBCH | Master of Science (Biochemistry) | INR 36,200 per annum |
MSCCFT | Master of Science (Counselling and Family Therapy) | INR 17,500 per annum |
MSCCHEM | Master of Science (Chemistry) | INR 20,200 per annum |
MSCDFSM | Master of Science (Food Nutrition) | INR 17,000 per annum |
MSCENV | M.Sc. (Environmental Science) | INR 8,200 per annum |
MSCFSQM | M.Sc. Food Safety & Quality Management | INR 13,000 per annum |
MSCGG | Master of Science (Geography) | INR 14,000 per annum |
MSCGI | Master of Science (Geoinformatics) | INR 15,700 per annum |
MSCIDS | Master of Science (Industrial Safety) | INR 12,100 for 1st yea & INR 12,900 for 2nd year |
MSCIS | Master of Science (Information Security) | INR 21,600 per annum |
MSCMACS | Master of Science (Mathematics with Application in Computer Science) | INR 7,100 per semester |
MSCPH | Master of Science (Physics) | INR 14,000 per annum |
MSCRWEE | Master of Science (Renewable Energy and Environment) | INR 12,200 per annum |
MSCZOO | Master of Science (Zoology) | INR 14,200 per annum |
MSK | Master of Arts (Sanskrit) | INR 6,800 per annum |
MSO | Master of Arts (Sociology) | INR 7,300 per annum |
MSW | Master of Social Work | INR 18,000 per annum |
MSWC | Master of Social Work (Counselling) | INR 18,000 per annum |
MTTM | Master of Tourism and Travel Management | INR 7,500 per annum (Category I); INR 10,500 for 1st year and INR 7,500 for 2nd year (Category II) |
IGNOU Diploma Courses List 2024
IGNOU Diploma Courses are specially designed for those candidates who have recently completed their 10 + 2 standard from a respective state board or central board of India. The minimum time duration to complete a diploma course is 1 year and the maximum time duration of up to 3 years. Candidates have to complete their selected course within the given time frame to get their diploma certificate from IGNOU University to start their further studies or a job.
Candidates can choose their preferred diploma course according to their interest and their future studies. Some of the courses offered are based on the 10th standard while some of the courses require to have graduation degree. Choose the right course for your study to make your career and future brighter.
Course Code | Name of the Course | Fee Structure |
DACM | Diploma in Agricultural Cost Management | INR 6,200 Total |
DAFE | Diploma in HIV and Family Education | INR 1,500 Total |
DAPMER | Diploma in Apparel Merchandising | INR 6,500 Total |
DAPMERA | Diploma in Apparel Merchandising-Applied | INR 4,000 (IGNOU); INR 8,000 (NSDC) |
DAQ | Diploma in Aquaculture | INR 7,800 Total |
DBPOFA | Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing — Finance and Accounting | INR 5,000 per semester |
DCCN | Diploma in Critical Care Nursing | INR 6,000 Total |
DCE | Diploma in Creative Writing in English | INR 3,800 Total |
DDT | Diploma in Dairy Technology | INR 15,200 Total |
DECE | Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education | INR 3,000 Total |
DEVMT | Diploma in Event Management | INR 8,000 Total |
DHORT | Diploma in Horticulture | INR 3,800 Total |
DIPP | Diploma in Paralegal Practice | INR 8,400 Total |
DIRIL | Diploma in Retailing | INR 10,000 Total |
DMOP | Diploma in Modern Office Practice | INR 6,000 Total |
DMT | Diploma in Meat Technology | INR 14,400 Total |
DNA | Diploma in Nursing Administration | INR 10,800 Total |
DNHE | Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education | INR 3,000 Total |
DPLAD | Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration and Development | INR 3,600 Total |
DPVE | Diploma in Value Education | INR 4,000 Total |
DSCDM | Diploma in Smart City Development and Management | INR 10,000 Total |
DTG | Diploma in Teaching German as a Foreign Language | INR 7,000 Total |
DTH | Diploma in Theatre Arts | INR 7,700 Total |
DTS | Diploma in Tourism Studies | INR 4,500 Total |
DUL | Diploma in Urdu Language | INR 1,800 Total |
DVAPFV | Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits & Vegetables | INR 14,400 Total |
DWED | Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development | INR 3,600 Total |
DWM | Diploma in Watershed Management | INR 12,000 Total |
IGNOU Post Graduate Diploma Courses List 2024
IGNOU Post Graduate Diploma program is generally done after completion of graduation. A Post Graduate Diploma is a short time course then a master’s degree program. The only difference between a master’s degree and a post-graduate diploma is that a PG Diploma does not include a dissertation in its syllabus so you just need to submit the required assignments and appear in the theory exam to get a certification.
PG Diploma is the best option for those candidates who want to complete their post-graduation study in a short time rather than enrolling in 2 years master’s degree program. For most PGD courses, candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent qualification are eligible to take admission. The minimum duration of a post-graduate diploma is 1 year and the maximum time duration is 4 years. PG Diploma is a perfect choice to enhance your career and for those who want to expand their knowledge.
Course Code | Name of the Course | Fee Structure |
PGDAB | Post Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness | INR 7,100 Total |
PGDAC | Post Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry | INR 9,600 Total |
PGDAIC | Post Graduate Diploma in Advertising and Integrated Communication | INR 8,000 Total |
PGDAML | Post Graduate Diploma in American Literature | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDAPP | Post Graduate Diploma in Audio Programme Production | INR 12,000 Total |
PGDAST | Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics | INR 7,600 Total |
PGDAW | Post Graduate Diploma in Animal Welfare | INR 5,400 Total |
PGDBLT | Post Graduate Diploma in British Literature | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDBP | Post Graduate Diploma in Book Publishing | INR 9,000 Total |
PGDCFT | Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy | INR 16,800 Total |
PGDCJ | Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice | INR 10,800 Total |
PGDCOUN | Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work Counselling | INR 15,000 Total |
PGDCSR | Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDDC | Post Graduate Diploma in Development Communication | INR 10,000 Total |
PGDDE | Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education | INR 6,000 Total |
PGDDM | Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management | INR 6,300 Total |
PGDDVS | Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies | INR 5,400 Total |
PGDECFE | Post Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood and Foundational Stage Education | INR 10,800 Total |
PGDEMA | Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and Administration | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDEME | Post Graduate Diploma in Electronic Media | INR 9,500 Total |
PGDEML | Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management & Law | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDEOH | Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Occupational Health | INR 6,600 Total |
PGDESD | Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDET | Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology | INR 6,600 Total |
PGDEVS | Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Studies | INR 6,000 Total |
PGDFCS | Post Graduate Diploma in Folklore and Culture Studies | INR 2,700 Total |
PGDFSQM | Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management | INR 14,400 Total |
PGDGI | Post Graduate Diploma in Geo-informatics | INR 15,700 Total |
PGDGM | Post Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine | INR 26,400 Total |
PGDGPS | Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies | INR 4,200 Total |
PGDHE | Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education | INR 3,000 Total |
PGDHHM | Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management | INR 25,200 Total |
PGDHIVM | Post Graduate Diploma in HIV Medicine | INR 60,000 Total |
PGDIBO | Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations | INR 8,200 Total |
PGDIDM | Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Media | INR 10,000 Total |
PGDIFM | Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management | INR 20,000 Total |
PGDIHRM | Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management | INR 20,000 Total |
PGDIMM | Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management | INR 20,000 Total |
PGDINDS | Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety | INR 12,100 for 1 year; INR 6,100 for lateral entry into 2nd year |
PGDIOM | Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management | INR 20,000 Total |
PGDIPR | Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights | INR 10,200 Total |
PGDIS | Post Graduate Diploma in Information Security | INR 10,800 per semester |
PGDISM | Post Graduate Diploma in Services Management | INR 20,000 Total |
PGDLAN | Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking | INR 18,000 Total |
PGDMCH | Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health | INR 30,000 Total |
PGDMH | Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health | INR 9,000 Total |
PGDMIDI | Post Graduate Diploma in Migration and Diaspora | INR 6,100 Total |
PGDNLEG | Post Graduate Diploma in New Literature in English | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDNOV | Post Graduate Diploma in the Novel | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDPFHS | Post Graduate Diploma in Population and Family Health Studies | INR 5,800 Total |
PGDPPED | Post Graduate Diploma in Pre Primary Education | INR 9,600 Total |
PGDPSM | Post Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales Management | INR 8,400 Total |
PGDRD | Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development | INR 2,400 Total |
PGDRPC | Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology | INR 20,000 Total |
PGDSHST | Post Graduate Diploma in Sindhi-Hindi-Sindhi Translation | INR 5,100 Total |
PGDSLM | Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and Management | INR 6,000 Total |
PGDSS | Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDT | Post Graduate Diploma in Translation | INR 4,000 Total |
PGDUPDL | Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Development | INR 6,000 Total |
PGDVS | Post Graduate Diploma in Vastu Shastra | INR 6,000 Total |
PGDWGSR | Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s & Gender Studies | INR 7,200 Total |
PGDWI | Post Graduate Diploma in Writings from India | INR 7,000 Total |
PGDWM | Post Graduate Diploma in Writings from the Margins | INR 7,000 Total |
PGJMC | Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication | INR 12,500 (English & Hindi); INR 6,000 (Tamil) |
PGSKT | Post Graduate Diploma in Sanskrit Sahitya | INR 6,700 Total |
IGNOU Post Graduate Certificate Courses List 2024
Post Graduate Certificate program can be done after a graduation degree. Usually, candidates with a bachelor’s degree can do any postgraduate certificate course from IGNOU. Postgraduate certificate courses are shorter and have a minimum time duration of 6 months and a maximum time duration is 2 years.
PG Certificate is the best option to advance your qualification as well as beneficial for those candidates who have a less time for study or want to do other related certificate courses in the same field. Apart from a short duration, the PG certificate also has a short syllabus structure. The cost enroll in a postgraduate certificate is usually lower than other level courses.
Course Code | Name of the Course | Fee Structure |
ACPDM | Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management | INR 5,500 Total |
PGCAP | Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy | INR 3,600 Total |
PGCAR | Post Graduate Certificate in Anuvaad evam Rupantaran mein Snatakottar Pramanpatra | INR 3,000 Total |
PGCBHT | Post Graduate Certificate in Bangla-Hindi Translation | INR 1,800 Total |
PGCCC | Post Graduate Certificate in Climate Change | INR 3,800 Total |
PGCCL | Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber Law | INR 8,400 Total |
PGCGI | Post Graduate Certificate in Geoinformatics | INR 8,400 Total |
PGCGPS | Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies | INR 2,400 Total |
PGCIATIVI | Post Graduate Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the Visually Impaired (PGCIATIVI) | INR 6,000 Total |
PGCINDS | Post Graduate Certificate in Industrial Safety | INR 6,000 Total |
PGCIPWS | Post Graduate Certificate in Inventory Planning and Warehousing for Engineers | INR 6,000 Total |
PGCMDM | Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Management of CBRNE Disasters | INR 5,500 Total |
PGCMHT | Post Graduate Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi Translation | INR 1,800 Total |
PGCPP | Post Graduate Certificate in Patent Practice | INR 9,600 Total |
IGNOU Certificate Courses List 2024
IGNOU Certificate Courses are short-term courses. Many of the certificate courses are offered based on a matric passed or 10th passed from a recognized board. It can be completed with a minimum duration of 6 months while its maximum time duration is 2 years. The course structure is short as well and its fee also affordable so that any candidates can take admission to their interested program.
Furthermore, Certificate Courses help you to quickly change your careers. For example, if you are currently working as an accountant and you want to qualify for the job of a retail clerk then certificate courses in a related discipline can help you to qualify for a job of retail clerk.
Course Code | Name of the Course | Fee Structure |
ACISE | Advanced Certificate in Information Security | INR 5,400 Total |
CAFE | Certificate in HIV and Family Education | INR 1,000 Total |
CAHC | Certificate in Adolescent Health and Counseling | INR 2,000 Total |
CAHT | Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking | INR 1,400 Total |
CAL | Certificate in Arabic Language | INR 1,800 Total |
CAPMER | Certificate in Apparel Merchandising | INR 3,000 Total |
CBKG | Certificate in Bhartiya Kaalgarna | INR 1,800 Total |
CBS | Certificate in Business Skills | INR 3,200 Total |
CCLBL | Certificate in Cooperation, Cooperative Law & Business Laws | INR 8,400 Total |
CCH | Certificate in Community Health | INR 15,000 Total |
CCITSK | Certificate in Communication & IT Skills | INR 5,700 Total |
CCOMO | Certificate in Condition Monitoring | INR 9,300 Total |
CCP | Certificate in Consumer Protection | INR 1,800 Total |
CCPD | Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution (Electrical Technicians) | INR 3,600 Total |
CCR | Certificate in Community Radio | INR 6,600 Total |
CDM | Certificate in Disaster Management | INR 2,600 Total |
CES | Certificate in Environmental Studies | INR 2,400 Total |
CESEIVI | Certificate in Early Childhood Special Education Enabling Inclusion- Visual Impairment | INR 7,800 Total |
CETM | Certificate in Energy Technology and Management | INR 3,000 Total |
CEVMT | Certificate in Event Management | INR 4,000 Total |
CFAID | Certificate in First Aid | INR 3,500 Total |
CFDE | Certificate in Fashion Design | INR 5,000 Total |
CFE | Certificate in Functional English | INR 4,000 Total |
CFL | Certificate in French Language | INR 6,600 Total |
CFN | Certificate in Food and Nutrition | INR 1,900 Total |
CGAS | Certificate in Gender, Agriculture and Sustainable Development | INR 3,800 Total |
CGCA | Certificate in Geriatric Care Assistance | INR 6,500 Total |
CGDA | Certificate in General Duty Assistance | INR 6,000 Total |
CGL | Certificate in German Language | INR 2,500 Total |
CGSCI | Certificate in Gender Science | INR 2,500 Total |
CGSL | Certificate in Gender in Law | INR 2,500 Total |
CHBHC | Certificate in Home Based Health Care | INR 2,400 Total |
CHCWM | Certificate in Health Care Waste Management | INR 3,000 Total |
CHHA | Certificate in Home Health Assistance | INR 6,000 Total |
CHR | Certificate in Human Rights | INR 2,600 Total |
CIB | Certificate in Beekeeping | INR 1,400 Total |
CIG | Certificate in Guidance | INR 2,000 Total |
CIHL | Certificate in International Humanitarian Law | INR 2,700 Total |
CIS | Certificate in Sericulture | INR 4,200 Total |
CIT | Certificate in Information Technology | INR 6,000 Total |
CJL | Certificate in Japanese Language | INR 5,500 Total |
CKLC | Certificate in Korean Language & Culture | INR 2,500 Total |
CLIS | Certificate in Library and Information Science | INR 3,000 Total |
CLTA | Certificate Programme on Life and Thought of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar | INR 1,000 Total |
CMAD | Certificate in Mobile Application Development | INR 5,000 Total |
CMCHN | Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Nursing | INR 6,600 Total |
CNCC | Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care | INR 2,400 Total |
CNIN | Certificate in Newborn and Infant Nursing | INR 6,600 Total |
CNM | Certificate Programme in NGO Management | INR 1,800 Total |
COF | Certificate in Organic Farming | INR 4,800 Total |
CPABN | Certificate in Performing Arts – Bharatanatyam | INR 4,000 Total |
CPAHM | Certificate in Performing Arts – Hindustani Music | INR 4,000 Total |
CPAKM | Certificate in Performing Arts – Karnatak Music | INR 4,000 Total |
CPATHA | Certificate in Performing Arts – Theatre Arts | INR 4,000 Total |
CPDT | Certificate in Professional Development of Teachers | INR 6,500 Total |
CPEL | Certificate in Persian Language | INR 1,800 Total |
CPF | Certificate in Poultry Farming | INR 3,600 Total |
CPHA | Certificate in Phlebotomy Assistance | INR 7,500 Total |
CPLT | Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques | INR 4,200 Total |
CPSCM | Certificate in Peace Studies and Conflict Management | INR 3,500 Total |
CPVE | Certificate Programme in Value Education | INR 1,800 Total |
CPY | Certificate Programme in Yoga | INR 5,000 Total |
CRD | Certificate in Rural Development | INR 1,800 Total |
CRUL | Certificate in Russian Language | INR 2,500 Total |
CSANKALP | Certificate in Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion | Sponsored by the Ministry of Skills Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) |
CSCDM | Certificate in Smart City Development and Management | INR 5,000 Total |
CSLC | Certificate in Spanish Language & Culture | INR 4,500 Total |
CSWATT | Certificate in Solid Wastes Treatment Techniques | INR 5,000 Total |
CSWCJS | Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System | INR 1,400 Total |
CSWM | Certificate in Solid Waste Management | INR 3,600 Total |
CTE | Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language | INR 2,400 Total |
CTPM | Certificate Programme in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics | INR 1,800 Total |
CTRBS | Certificate in Tribal Studies | INR 1,000 Total |
CTS | Certificate in Tourism Studies | INR 2,400 Total |
CUL | Certificate in Urdu Language | INR 1,200 Total |
CVAA | Certificate in Visual Arts – Applied Art | INR 4,000 Total |
CVAP | Certificate in Visual Arts – Painting | INR 4,000 Total |
CVG | Certificate in Vedic Ganit | INR 2,000 Total |
CWHM | Certificate in Water Harvesting & Management | INR 2,400 Total |
SSB | Certificate in Sanskrit Sambhshan | INR 1,500 Total |
IGNOU Appreciation and Awareness Courses List 2024
Course Code | Name of the Course | Fee Structure |
ACE | Appreciation Course on Environment | INR 1,200 Total |
ACPSD | Appreciation Course on Population and Sustainable Development | INR 1,000 Total |
APDF | Awareness Programme on Dairy Farming | INR 1,100 Total |
NCD-102 | Awareness-Cum-Training Package for Parents of Children with Disability-Visual Impairment | INR 500 Total |
IGNOU Courses Time Duration
Every course has a different time duration which is indicated on the page of every program. Generally, IGNOU certificate courses have a short duration of time which can be completed in 6 months while bachelor’s degree courses have a long time duration with a minimum of 3 years of duration. IGNOU offers an opportunity for all students to complete degree courses with an additional certificate program. It means a candidate will get two certificates at the end of the degree course.
Also Read:
How Do I Choose The Best Course in IGNOU?
Candidates have to choose their field according to their current education qualifications and interests. If you already completed 10+2 then you can go for a Bachelor’s degree program. If the candidate already has a graduation or bachelor’s degree then they can start their further studies with a master’s degree. You can click any above categories in which you want to get details about all programs. We always recommend choosing the course only after discussion with a qualified person and after researching all about your course like its scope, future, etc.
If you have any doubts regarding any course of IGNOU then you can connect with the coordinator of your program to get detailed instructions about your interested program to get enrolled in IGNOU.
IGNOU Courses Lists 2024: FAQs
Q1. Can I do two courses at the same time from IGNOU?
Answer: Yes. As per the UGC’s new guidelines, It is possible to do two courses at the same time but you should read the complete UGC guidelines before proceeding.
Q2. Is ODL and online courses the same?
Answer: IGNOU has a separate department for ODL & Online courses. You need to apply separately for any of them.
Q3. Can I do a regular degree program from IGNOU?
Answer: IGNOU is offering all its academic courses through open distance learning and online only.
Q4. Can I do one degree from IGNOU and another from a regular university?
Answer: Yes. It is possible according to the latest guidelines of UGC.
I want to take admission In PGDIS . I want to suggestion about it.
I want To Complete my diploma in healt & sanitary inspactor.Please provide me information.
I want to take admission in IGNOU, please send me details about these courses Certificate in nutrition and childcare, Certificate in food and nutrition, Diploma in nutrition and health education.
I want to do Certificate yoga course but problem is in my state(Telangana) that course is not available. If I take admission in other state they is any chance of online exams or I should attempt physically to the college
Sir yesterday I have taken admission in BA economics honors. It is showing me semester system . Is there any option to change it to annual system
Graduation Certificate koto bochor lagbe B.A Honour porte gele open University
I want to do PHD in computer science or computer applications
please give the details
Do you have any course about speech and hearing diploma?
Sir good morning,
I would like to know you that i have completed BSC sports science from dpsru delhi. Now what course I do for better job and my career. Further I request my humble please advise to me.
Sourabh Singh
I have completed MA in sociology from IGNOU but have interested to admission in Diploma in mental health. Can I took admission
क्या मैं एकल विषय से स्नातक कर सकती हूँ जैसे अर्थशास्त्र से ..
Kindly tell me about diploma in material management courses distances education
Can I do any of these diplomas and certificate courses at IGNOU from my home? If yes then What will be the procedure for this?
i graduated with first division from IGNOU with Sociology as a major subject in 1994. Today i am headmaster in basic education in UP govt .My daughter wants to go for Charted Accountancy .She wants to take B Com degree from IGNOU which proggrame in B com will be suitable for her . Rajendra kumar
Is there is a course available for distance MSc. In chemistry…..if available then how can I apply…plz suggest….
मैं अपने क्षेत्र में इग्नू स्टडी सेंटर खोलना चाहता हू।साथ ही इग्नू का फ्रेंचाइजी लेना चाहता हूं।इसके लिए हमे क्या करना होगा।फ्रेंचाइजी फार्म उपलब्ध कराए।
I want to complete my BA degree. Please help me to give some information.
There is BFA (Bachelor in fine arts) in IGNOU… IF NOT please start this course bcoz so many are interested in arts field unfortunately they can’t attend regular collage gate to complete this course… All courses are providing in IGNOU, please update and provide this course also it’s humble request …
Hey i’m varun Shrama. I’ve done diploma in Mechanical Engineering from (BTE, Delhi) and 7 to 8 years of experiences As a post of Maintenance Engineer / Senior Service Engineer. Could i eligible for PGDM in Mechanical or what should i do, if i want to upgrade myself ( not btech ).
Kindly give any positive suggestion for upgrade myself.
I want to pursue Msc in physics ..what is the procedure..?
I want to register for yoga certificate course
does certification in yoga avilable yes or no
Hi i am graduate from ignou in 2012 distance arts stream, working in hospital from 12 years as manager opd ipd, pls suggest which course good
Is there any distance course for m.ed in ignou
Is phd in sociology available in IGNOU ?
I want to complete my diploma in personal menagement. please give me information.
Is the university is running bachelor and master degree in law then what is the procedure of admission in law.
can i pursue one distance course from IGNOU and other from any other open university…
I want to do study in PGDFMP but this programme not listening on ignou syllabus if any body have idea please tell me how to take admission in PGDFMP
I have just completed my Bcom 6th semester final exams and the results are yet to be declared. Can I apply for MCOM? If yes,then what is the procedure? Please answer,its really important as the last date is 15th September
DME diploma course available in IGNOU or stop I needed course in Tamil Nadu..
PG Fire and safety management diploma
Please give me the details. In study center nanded Maharashtra
Ignou provide Law
Hello sir / mam
I am hinali bhatt
mene 12th science passout kia hai 2015 me or ab muje advocate banana hai to me ab ballb course le sakti hu na distance education me
Please help
Can I do ANM course distance through IGNOU. I am a resident of Kerala and working.
MEd hai kya
I have to take admission in Post Basic BSC Nursing program (PBScNPB) in the session 2021-2022. I have qualified the entrance exam PBScNPB that was conducted on 11th April 2021. In result it is written that qualifying the entrance exam does not mean for offer of admission, a separate merit list will be released for counselling. Just I wanted to know when will merit list release, because paralleling new admission is going on for July 2021 session. Can you please tell me, I have to wait for merit list or I can directly apply for admission thought online portal.
Thankyou in advance.
Is there any Bsc Agriculture courses
Is there M.sc (physics) course available?
Please inform us.
Can I take admission in M.A. psychology distance ?? Yet my result of B.A. has not declared….
I have B.A. degee pass out 1999 MDU.ROHTAK HARYANA. Can I admission twice BA from IGNOU. Reason to low marks in B.A.
I need trainings on 3 areas if you offer. 1. Islamic Banking 2. Capital market 3. Grant management, details please ?
Btech elecrtrical se kr skte hai kya?
Is MBA distance available in IGNOU for the 2021 Batch?
Bsc agriculture course h kya
I want to do certification in audit finance.
I want to know BBA logistics and supply chain management course is there.
Is there B.ed Psychology?
Can I do class 10th from IGNOU
Is there any option for HS science course in IGNOU?
Can I do diploma in civil engineering from ignou?
I complete 10th but i have complete +2 in ignou
Good morning,
Is there any course for Cooperation?
is there any course of BFA( bachelor in fine art)